
Control utility for Fietsboek

Manual section:



fietsctl maintenance-mode
fietsctl track {del|list}
fietsctl user {add|del|hittekaart|list|modify|passwd}
fietsctl version


The fietsctl script is provided for administrative purposes. It allows you to manage the state and content of a Fietsboek instance from the command line.


The fietsctl script does not do any access checking and does not require any logins or passwords. You must use the permissions of your system and database server to restrict the access to fietsctl by restricting access to the data stores directly.

Detailed versions of the commands are described below.

Note that most commands expect the path to the configuration file to be given (e.g. -c production.ini). The default uses fietsboek.ini. This can be overridden using the -c/--config option.


All commands support the --help option, which will give you a quick overview of how the command works and which options are available.


You can use the fietsctl user subcommand to manage the users in the Fietsboek system.

Many functions which deal with existing users (delete, modify, …) allow the user to be specified either by their ID using the -i/--id option, or by their email address using -e/--email. You can obtain the IDs of users using the fietsctl user list command.


fietsctl user add [-c CONFIG] [--email EMAIL] [--password PASSWORD] [--admin]

This command adds a user to the system. It can be called with no arguments, in which case all required values are prompted for.

If the new user should be made an admin, use the --admin flag. If not given, the user will not be made an admin. In any case, the user is automatically verified. If you want to change the admin or verification status after creating a user, use the fietsctl user modify command (see below).

It is advised that you do not supply the password on the command line to prevent it from appearing in the command history. Either disable the history, or leave out the password (in which case you will be prompted).

Note that this function does not check the enable_account_registration setting, so it can always be used to add new users to the system.

Note further that this function does less checks then the web interface (e.g. it does not require an email verification), so be careful which values you enter.


fietsctl user del [-c CONFIG] [-f/--force] [-i/--id ID] [-e/--email EMAIL]

Removes a user from the system. This will remove the user account and all associated data (the user’s tracks, comments, …).

By default, the command will ask for confirmation. You can specify the -f/--force flag to override this check.


fietsctl user hittekaart [-c CONFIG] [-i/--id ID] [-e/--email EMAIL] [--delete] [--mode heatmap|tilehunt]

With fiettsctl user hittekaart you can force a hittekaart run for a specific user. By default, only the heatmap is generated, but you can use --mode to select which overlay map you want to generate. You can also specify --mode multiple times to generate multiple heat maps with a single invocation.

If you want to delete a heatmap, use the --delete option. It also respects the --mode selection, so you can delete individual types of heatmaps.


fietsctl user list [-c CONFIG]

Outputs a list of all users in the system, one user per line. Each line consists of:

[av] ID - EMAIL - NAME

The “a” indicates that the user has admin permissions. If the user has no admin permissions, a “-” is shown instead.

The “v” indicates that the user has their email address verified. If the user has not verified their email address, a “-” is shown instead.


fietsctl user modify [-c CONFIG] [-i/--id ID] [-e/--email EMAIL] [--admin/--no-admin] [--verified/--no-verified] [--set-email EMAIL]

Modifies a user. This can currently be used to set the admin and verification status of a user. If you want to change the password, use fietsctl user passwd (see below). You cannot currently change the email address or name of a user with this command (note that the --email option is for user selection, not modification).

If you do not specifiy either --admin or --no-admin, then the current value of the user is not changed. The same goes for --verified and --no-verified, if neither is given, the current value is not changed.

To change a user’s email address, you can specify the --set-email option with the desired new email address. Note that — just like with adding users — no email verification is taking place, so be careful when using this. The new email address is automatically registered as verified.


fietsctl user passwd [-c CONFIG] [-i/--id ID] [-e/--email EMAIL] [--password PASSWORD]

Changes the password of the specified user. If the password is not given via --password, then the password is interactively prompted for. Be careful when using --password as sensitive information might end up in the shell history!

Note that this function does fewer checks than the web interface, as such it is possible to set passwords that users cannot set themselves (e.g. very short ones).


The fietsctl track subcommand can be used to manage the tracks.


fietsctl track list [-c CONFIG]

Lists all tracks in the system. This outputs one line per track, plus final summary information.

For each track, the following information is shown:

  • The track’s ID

  • The size of the track’s data (this includes the size of the data directory, but not the size of the database elements)

  • The track’s owner (both name and email address)

  • The track’s title.


fietsctl track del [-c CONFIG] -i/--id ID [-f/--force]

Deletes the specified track. The right ID can be found via the track list command, or via the web interface.

This command deletes the track including its pictures and comments.

By default, the command will ask for confirmation. You can specify the -f/--force flag to override this check.


The fietsctl maintenance-mode subcommand manages the maintenance mode.


fietsctl maintenance-mode [-c CONFIG] REASON

Enables the maintenance mode with the given reason. The reason should be a short string that describes why Fietsboek is disabled. It will be shown to the users on the error page.


fietsctl maintenance-mode [-c CONFIG]

Without the reason, the command will output the current status of the maintenance mode.


fietsctl maintenance-mode [-c CONFIG] --disable

With the --disable option, the maintenance mode will be disabled.


Bugs can be reported either via the issue tracker ( or via email (fietsboek at kingdread dot de).


This program is part of Fietsboek, written by the Fietsboek authors.